Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Super Bowl weekend and I don't give a shit.

Well, kind of I do, I guess. In as much as it helps me remember how old I am. (I turned one a couple months before Super Bowl I, so whatever Super Bowl it is, that's how old I am.) But the danger of having become purely monogamous to baseball is that I now have this supercilious attitude toward most other sports. And even the commercials, at least for the last five or six years, have been banal, for the most part. In fact, I can't even think of any exceptions, but that's probably due to the fact that my family gets all of its video entertainment via the Web, and has for over a year. Therefore, we see very few commercials any more. And I actually kind of miss them. But I digress.

So, my wife, daughter, and I will go to a Super Bowl party and have a good time. My wife's mother's family—she and her nine siblings—grew up in Pittsburgh, and almost all of them still live there, so I kind of feel like we have a horse in the race, or at least a team to root for with more than a passing passion. Not that I paid any attention to them during the regular season or playoffs, but still.

About which I shall digress some more: If I had to name an American metropolis, other than Denver, that I could live in, it would be Pittsburgh. I've been there a half-dozen times, and it always strikes me as one of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen. Of course, I've never been there during the winter—only the "green" months—but really, I challenge anyone to objectively name a more livably pretty city. Of course you have San Francisco, but I couldn't afford to live there—therefore, not livable. And San Diego, but I wouldn't want to live there (I like seasons). Same for the south, so that rules out places like Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, etc.

Plus, with my disdain for the American League's designated hitter rule, I would have to live in an NL city. So that really narrows it down. Oh, I suppose I could warm to St. Louis, but I haven't really spent enough time there to be sure.

Not that we're thinking of moving. It's just something I decided I'd think out-loud about. Thanks for listening.

Oh. And go Steelers.

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